Translation Services

Technical Translation

This field includes documents with the high level of difficulty, very specific and scientific terminology and certain language style. In technical translations it is very important to adhere to the original text information as much as possible.

Our translators team know how to translate technical information better, providing precise and substantive translation. The main problem in technical text translation may arise with the lack of terminology of very specific issues.

Our team has the knowledge and experience in different technical fields, as well as precise approach to texts of every specialization, developed over the years.

We offer you quality translations in such specific fields as:

Electronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Marine Related Translations
Civil Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Architecture and Construction
EU Projects
Defense Industry and Technology
Oil, Natural Gas, Petrochemistry
Production Machinery
Packaging Industry
Textiles and Textile Engineering

IT Translation & Localization

There is a huge increase of demand for advanced computers, systems, software and new computer functions in the new world of technology. The demand for translation is also increasing as the information technologies and use of internet develop.

In the last few years the Internet has become one of the main tools of communication between companies in the world market. Today a corporate web-site is an important tool of customer attraction, as well as the main method for remote presentation of companies participating in international economic relationships.

The success of a company will depend on usability the web-site for potential customers and partners in the current conditions of strengthening competition in all fields of the modern business.

We translate:

Texts related to information technologies
Technology development descriptions
Translation of system and hardware descriptions
Data Transmission and Process

Medical Translation

Medicine is one of the widely investigated and developing fields. It is mainly based on investigation of existing medicines and new experiments and introduction of new products into market.

We know that medical documents contain very complicated terminology and they require a particular approach of specialists; that is why such information is considered to have the highest degree of difficulty. Not every translator is capable of reading and understaning the medical information.

We translate:

Manuals, instructions of appliances used in medicine 
General medical texts
Statements from medical institutions
Prescriptions and descriptions of medicine
Documentation of patents and surgical instruments
Medicine advertising brochures
Scientific articles, press releases and product presentation document
Medical information for patients and doctors, etc.

Marketing Translation

The target of every company is to maintain its own growth and offer wider choice of goods and services. For its achievement, the task of marketing specialists need to find the new and better methods of offering their products to the market. The translator shall be able to create a catchy motto, choose the right style and expressions from the original text.

We offer you our services of translation of commercials, as well as in such fields as:

Advertisements of products, companies, services
Posters, Banners, Texts
PR and Customer Satisfaction
Tourism, Travel and Entertainment
Menus and Recipes
Books, Journals and Broadcasting

Legal Translation

Law is one of the most complicated fields, each and every document requires much attention and precise knowledge of terminology and deep understanding.

Even a small mistake can have vital importance in legal translations, therefore we entrust the translation of legal texts to specialists with legal education, who are perfect in knowledge of terminology and orient well in complicated and long legal texts.

We translate:

Draft laws, amendments
Enterprise establishment documents
Applications, statements, claims, etc.  

Financial Translation

The translation of financial documents is done by following the highest quality control principles in every phase of development: reviewing, translating, editing and proofreading, so that the client would receive an accurate result.

We translate:

Annual Reports of Enterprises
Business Plans
Balance Sheets
Financial Documents of Enterprises
Bank notifications
Economy, Finance and Business Administration
Entrepreneurship and Investment